osCommerce (en)

The extensions were written in 2004. Nowadays I don't use osCommerce any more, therefore I don't support these extensions anymore.

osCommerce is a PHP based online shop that is distributed under an open source software license (GPL). Remarkable is the multitude of so called contributions (extensions) that can be used to add new features to the shop. Another positive aspect is the availability of many different translations of osCommerce.

osCommerce is definitely on par with (or even better than) many commercial products. Unfortunately the source code quality is worse than most software I ever saw. PHP code is mixed with the html source everywhere. A template system is not part of the default distribution (version 2.2 milestone 2). Although the developers plan to a template for milestone 3 they don't want to use one of the established systems (e.g. Smarty).

There is no real plugin interface (with the exception of some tiny subsystems) so that every change must be heavily tested. Security updates and bigger layout changes will cause enormous efforts and must be repeated with every new release.

Select Specials

Problem: If you own a shop that provides more than 20 products it is very annoying selecting an article for a new special offer with the dropdown menu.

Therefore I wrote an extension with needs only minimal changes to osCommerce itself. With that contribution you may select new special with a text bases search similar to the normal search in the shop. This extension is licensed under the GPL. Changes, extensions and translations are welcome.

Download: select_specials_1.0.6.zip

Help & Discussion: Please open a new thread in the Contribution Support forum and send the link to felix.schwarz@web.de so that I am aware of the topic. Please do not send your questions per mail as the solutions in the forum will be available for everyone.

osCommerce contribution page: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2044

Specials valid from

Problem: In osCommerce already exists feature that a special offer may expire on a previously specified date. But it wasn't possible to enter special offers some days before they are valid and to let them being activated on that day.

With my contribution it possible to enter special offers in advance. The shop will care that they will be activated on time. On thing you may dislike is the fact that you will need some minor database changes.

Download: specials_valid_from_1.0.3.zip

Help & Discussion: Please open a new thread in the Contribution Support forum and send the link to felix.schwarz@web.de so that I am aware of the topic. Please do not send your questions per mail as the solutions in the forum will be available for everyone.

osCommerce contribution page: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2520

support threads in forums: Before creating a new post, please look through the old threads. Maybe you can solve a problem by yourself:

Finally: English is not my native tongue. Please feel free to correct any errors you find. Thank you in advance.